Monica KingDear Honorable U.S. Attorney Esquires in Vermont & New Hampshire: Tristam J. ...
Apr 12
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Monica King to me, usavt.ContactU., human.rights, MonicaKing, alamb, Timothy, BJ, Abby
show details Apr 12
fromMonica King
toMonica King
ccTimothy Duranleau
"Riordan, BJ"
Abby Tassel
dateMon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:19 PM
subjectFor the U.S. District Attorneys, Vermont & New Hampshire...hard copies printed & sent via usps
hide details Apr 12
Dear Honorable U.S. Attorney Esquires in Vermont & New Hampshire:
Tristam J. Coffin & John P. Kacavas:
What a long, strange trip it has been!
I am writing to you both & sending identical sets of legal docs to show you that I have been haunted, hunted, & electronically stalked for many years now by not just the Italian mob gang operating primarily out of the Boston area with strands into Manchester & surrounding areas of New Hampshire, but also landed in a Section 8 complex in Barre, Vermont as a result of a near fatal assassination attempt that happened in New Hampshire & from which I am still recovering from in Vermont. Where I encountered the Irish mob or mafia gang.
While in Barre for 5 years, it became personal & professional knowledge over a period of years that the management company running my units, 79 & 83 at Highgate Apartments in Barre, Vermont was being run by the mob gang of Irish mafiosos. "Whitey" Maloney being one of the crime family names listed on the FBI site. Maloney Property Management still runs Highgate in Barre today with no checks & balances nor any effective lawful intervention to arrest them.
It is now the 7th year of sorting through the aftermath of the shot gun blast to my chest.. I have weaved back & forth between New Hampshire & Vermont to attempt to get LAWFUL redress for the many crimes committed against me & by virtue of association my closest family members & friends & neighbors within these settings.
Much has been accomplished, yet there is still a ways to go before all legal sequelae to this heinous attempt upon my life, & two years later, the Murder for Hire scheme that was foiled
(to date) of me & MY Dad are RESOLVED lawfully & fairly.
So this is an outline & a Progress Note for me & these matters remaining, & for you both.
I am sending ONE MORE TIME a series of documents that are EVIDENCES of this interstate stalking issue that continues to be a problem for me in maintaining my SAFETY & SECURITY. This remains my TOP concern. Reading & reviewing this Utilization Review I am sending of all services relative to these crimes will hopefully clarify any confusions & pull us TOGETHER to solve remaining issues.
It is my understanding that this interstate case is a fully Federal Claim at this point in time, although it has not been actually arrested nor adjudicated properly to date. (See included Federal VAWAA protections) I have experienced frank ineptitude to full out purposeful deceptions being perpetrated within BOTH States legal heirarchies & it is, according to Law your legal jurisdiction, both of you, to investigate. I will tell both of you straight up I am NOT happy with the U.S. District Attorney's offices performance to date in VERMONT. You failed to protect me in any effective way last April when you ALLOWED Highgate management, eg Maloney Property Management to throw me out on my ear while just returning from a major Felony trial in NH.
And you COULD have prevented this. But you did nothing. I do recall actually calling you in a panic to ask for your help while attempting to KEEP my home & offices safe from strangers intruding, along with keeping my MD ordered guard dogs safe as well. (I understand it was not you personally dear Tristam, but your offices & the workers there at the time who did this...)
So your Office's acts of OMISSION at that critical juncture are dually noted. A copy of this whole writ with Attachments will also be held at the Umbrella Advocates in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, & a copy sent to your main headquarters in Washington, D.C.
An Outline & Historical Record, with Attachments of Monica King's Journey after being shot in the chest with a 12 guage Rifle in 2003 in Milton, NH
Number of Shelters visited (8): 2 leaving Dartmouth College in the 1900s prior to meeting Daniel Fichera II in the Portsmouth, NH region. This was after filing Writs of Certiorari in the NH Supreme & U.S. Supreme Court about matters related to Dartmouth men & corruption which influences the entire State & U.S. economies as many of them manipulate the world markets through Wall Street & banking positions...
Later traveling with Daniel Fichera II in Florida 1 shelter in the Orlando region once he attacked me, scratching face & body while we were together as a common law couple prior to the year 2000. 2 reports of physical assault made to the Dover PD while in residence with Daniel Fichera in Dover on Milk Street. Prior to us moving to Milton, NH.
Final departure from Daniel was made from Milton, NH in May of 2003, when I moved for safety to Upper Valley area of Lebanon, NH & E Thetford, VT.
Evidence of electronic stalking:
All IDs "lost" while working at Varney Crossing, North Berwick, Maine & living in Dover, NH with Daniel Fichera II. I worked as an Evening RN Supervisor there & reported the missing IDs etc. to my own company as I was thinking at the time I might have lost them at work. Later Daniel mysteriously "found them" again & returned them to me. But they were "lost" for many weeks before he rediscovered them.
Monica moved from E. Thetford, VT --->sister in Fayston, VT--->Moretown Inn, Moretown, VT---> Barre Battered Women's services shelter for summer of 2004--->
21 Highgate Drive, Barre (section 8 apts run by Maloney Prop Management)
During my tenure at Highgate I was elected to the Board of the Residents Association. Through this position I fielded numerous complaints of management failure to protect & duty to repair public health issues. (They knew I was a nurse). I kept copious notes & communicated with the staff from my apartments through emails with back-up copies. All of these have been entered into an Eviction proceeding they began initiated through Washington Superior Court & these issues were resolved & a re Lease agreement drafted & signed in conference in Washinton Superior court. With a provision a new Eviction action would not need to be started if failure of the Lease Agreement occurred.
AT NO TIME during my tenure there was the ADA revoked & at no time during my tenure was there any demonstrated competence nor understanding of Federal Statutes to PROTECT women from further abuses & attempts at murder understood or complied with by Maloney Property Management nor any State official including the Superior Court Justice presiding last spring, sepcifically in April of 2009 in Washington Superior Court.
The Management consisted of Doug Hemmings, a former licensed social worker, Diane Badger a Maloney Prop management favorite of Maloney Properties (certainly not the residents who were being unfairly treated & discriminated against). Numerous emails flew back & forth but when they were notified pursuant to Reasonable Accomodation & ADA protective laws about a mandated Court appearance I & my fiance, Timothy Scott Duranleau, a former navy SEAL traveled to in the midwinter season of early February last year, 2009, & that I was paying partial rent to make sure I had money for unexpected travel expenses & break downs, there was no answer nor acknowledgment. By Managment at Highgate.
The rent was paid for the months of January, partial rent for February due to the trial or "re"trial as it was billed in Superior Court in Dover, NH, & full rent paid again in March of 2009.
But in April of 2009, rent was not even accepted & a set of "color of law" proceedings pushed me & my household & office equipment out on the street by mid April of 2009. A panicked phone call was made to the U.S. Distric Attorney's offices in Vermont but no help occurred to stay these proceedings & on Friday morning by 9:30 am a Superior court justice in Washington County, Montpelier, VT gave Maloney Prop Management the Writ of Possession they sought. I appealed within the same morning, my Dad willing to pay into Court that morning the monies, less than 300 dollars, owed in the rent for February, & again this Motion to Reconsider was denied, all before 10 am on a Friday morning on a sunny day in mid April of 2009, with no discernible "emergency" concerning my primary residence & home office which is a Reasonable Adaptation for my circumstances.
There were no homeless folks from Haiti needing my home & office more than I did.
Rendered homeless suddenly BY COURT AUTHORITIES themselves within WASHINGTON COUNTY, VERMONT, My fiance, my guard dogs & I were summarily locked out & only allowed to take a carry on bag worth's of clothing & our pets from the apartment before it was taken hostage by Maloney Property Management.
The urgency of this proceeding for Writ of Possession was artificially inflated by Maloney Prop Management. There was no emergency that compelled them to Evict. It was illegal & retaliatory in nature as I functioned as lawful Whistle Blower on Maloney illegal activities involving myself & family & business.
They purposely engineered this proceeding in a swift manner & I asked Sheriff Bruce McClure, of Washington County offices in Montpelier if he had ever seen a Eviction proceeding procede in such a highly irregular manner before. He said no, he never had & he himself was perplexed by the rush & manner in which it was carried out. He had to serve the Notice. He is a RELIABLE public servant of proper law enforcement.
SO, mid April of 2009 events combined to move us, Timothy Scott Duranleau & myself & pet/guard dogs into a new series of temporary housing/shelter situations from local motel rooms in Vermont & NH to couch surfing on various friend's couches as we regrouped & attempted to resolve this sudden homelessness instigated & engineered by Maloney Prop principals. WITHOUT our documents or legal papers handy as they were LOCKED UP! We landed again on Angels Landing in Milton, NH, the land where I had the original show down & experienced the shot gun blast to the chest in 2003.
We encamped there, working the land together through the rainiest early spring & summer in our memories until mid July when Tim & I parted ways & he eventually headed back to Barre & Montpelier area & became entangled with Montpelier PD who took him into custody & transfered him to NERCF. That was August of 2009.
I need to state for the record that at no time did Tim harm me nor threaten to harm me in any real or substantive way. He got angry & had a "melt down" over the combined stresses of the major trial in Feb he had accompanied me to, the Writ of Possesion proceedings in Barre & our homelessness then, & the very rainy weather we were living in in a tent & old trailer that was not & still is not on a grid. We were living like pioneers from the 1800s with modern problems to solve in the early 21st century & it got to him. He never harmed me, he vented his frustrations. He never attacked, nor hunted nor haunted me, but I was left alone for a few nights on the property where I was shot & during the night before I left, I thought a presence may have been out there. It was NOT Tim, but most likely a bear or other wild creature that I could hear crackling branches in the surrounds by my tent, & so, not knowing where Tim was, & not needing to stay to prove anything to myself I left & went to Laconia & again through a shelter# (7), reestablished myself in Laconia over this winter. I continued to apply for affordable Section 8 Housing, & this spring a unit opened up for me similar to the one I had originally in Barre. This unit however opened in the Town of Northfield, NH nearer to Manchester, where Daniel was paroled into. A hurried parole hearing that occurred last spring also when my electronic funds in Barre credit Union were suddenly & inexplicably "not available" the day of that Hearing when I had Noticed the Parole Board i HAD wanted to BE present! Due to lack of funds (mysteriously and only on this ONE occasion delayed in an electronic way) we were unable to Appear there...hmmm.... And the week before Easter of this year, 2010, I was being cruised by several times from what looked like Italian mid-aged men in a large American car where I was staying in a private regular market apartment in Laconia.
They eyed me, & in my experience, Daniel & his cronies & nefarious networks are most dangerous when a new location is being opened. I felt in my gut they were stalking me again & it was made simpler by my presence in a city in NH near to where his known mob contacts have always operated from. THEY DO NOT KNOW much about Vermont, thank God!
AND the current Orders in effect from the "re"trial REMAIN IN EFFECT & FULL FORCE... these include Daniel is not to travel to Vermont for any reason at all. He has no legitimate business here, he has no relatives. My daughter lives here & teaches middle school in a public school. My sister & her family reside here & she works as a school psychologist.
I have numerous email transmissions to send to support this Declaration & Affidavit of Testimony. I will send them along via email & usps mails again to the NH, Vermont & US Federal offices for Law Enforcement.
Timothy Scoot Duranleau WITNESSED these numerous infractions at law & EXPERIENCED them as well as he is my primary body guard as well. Due to the period of separation I did not know where Tim was until the early Fall of 2009 when my father forwarded a Federal mailing Tim sent me. To my address in Laconia, NH.
I now have in my possession in my secure & undisclosed Safe House I have returned to live in, in Vermont while sorting out how to get Tim out again...over 100 hand written & typed letters from him describing events that led him in to the captivity of his present circumstances at NERCF.
During his time there, while I resided in Laconia, NH, numerous VAWA 2005 FEDERAL STATUTES have been grossly violated BY VERMONT & NH authorities.
But this letter & the associated docs I am sending via usps details those.
Most improtantly I want to bring to your attention TOGETHER the number of men with Italian last names that have NOT complied with VAWA statuttes & in fact have abused their authority in the positions of power they hold. IN NH & VERMONT.
Let us begin with the Montpelier Chief of Police. His last name is Italian & he has been non compliant & rude to me with every encounter I have had with him. He attempted to get me in trouble with his own authority, using a detective to stalk me from Montpelier to Barre over a set of trumped up stupid minor issues that held no weight at law & were dismissed. When I reported that my SEAL from the State of NH was lost in his city as a Justice of the Peace, he did not even write a simple note back to acknowledge the loss. Or that he would look into it for me. In contrast say to Santa Monica, California who HELPED me find lost IDS & purse cointentw when lost in their city in 2007. (I discovered my index page for my INEDA agency had been blanked out while traveling to LA & went thorugh 2 more Shelters with the help of an electronic stalking specialist out there for safety & security until I could travel home again to Vermont.)
Also the Commissioner for Victim Compensation in Concord NH has a last name that sounds Italian, Commissioner Grossi. My second claim for compensation for uninsured time between being employed & being covered by SSDI in 2006, when the Murder for Hire scheme was uncovered & I was notified by interstate police about it; Concord, NH to Barre PD to me, this second claim is still stalled in Concord, with Grossi failing to both recognize & comply with HPPA regs to keep my private medical records private, fails to recognize ADA protections for same, & insists I send him a paper medical trail for the reimbursement of expenses for travel, relocation, & medical bills to the tune of 4,000.00 that were alotted & told me were alotted since last spring of 2009. Since then, my email account, this very one was "locked" for a number of months so that communique was not accessible.
Several Battered Women's services advocates have failed as of yet to get them to send that money. I do have a letter saying they were considering how to pay lost wages also. It is this letter I have a hard copy of, & this same letter went "missing" from my business account here at Google, but fortunately I have a hard copy of it. In other words it certainly does appear further electronic stalking & manipulations of my business correspondences & theft of same has occurred in those intervening months.Roughly between the end of March
2009 & February of 2010. I have printed out my emails from the two dates I have between this gap.
Breaking in to anyone's mail, be it email or usps mails or any sealed, protected mailing is a FEDERAL offense, & further indication of organized mob-related crime related to my specific case. AND Tim's.
But materially this is the end result of all these illegal & cowardly moves & attempts to remove Timothy from his primary function as BODY GUARD in my life, alongside his just as equally important functions as my partner & fiance. WE own our businesses together.
1. The main threat to my health & safety REMAINS one Daniel S. Fichera II who was hurried through a questionable second "re"trial in Dover, NH last winter which resulted in lesser charges against him, (although still FELONIOUS), a rushed process of parole getting him OUT of State custody & onto the streets of Manchester, NH, while during this time frame Tim gets locked up in State custody on trumped up &* bogus charges brought by another Italian chief of Police in Montpelier who has already demonstrated a vicious bias AGAINST me personally & professionally.
2.Tim is being HELD in NERCF in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont where the Commissioner's last name is Italian.
3. I was ready to move into a similar sec 8 apartment in Northfield, NH, nearer to both Concord & Manchester, NH, when events including a death of a relative within my family forced me to rethink this plan for SAFETY.
4. I am now in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, have a library card & renewed Food Stamp card & am working out these remaining lawfully required issues at law in safety & in peace from this city where my fiance is also housed at State expense & has been for over 9 months now.
I went to visit the Corrections Department in St. J to speak of this to one Al Fornier aka Al Cormier, whose boss is Lynn Bushy. In an unscheduled interview I had with him last week, Thursday I believe, he told me he had "never heard of Tim". I related most of these facts to him personally about our journey together & wanted to find out what way I could get Tim paroled out of St. J instead of Barre District since so much evidence of corruption with our cases was already suffered there. I just received a letter from Tim about this interview I had written to him about from St. J after my first visit with him this past Monday exactly one week ago at NERCF. I am including his letter also as an Attachment to prove State corruption & failure to comply with Human Rights in both States & within Federal law jurisidictions. Tim states this Al guy does know him or knows of him. I had a simiilar phone interview with the coordinator at Covered Bridge on Pearl St. oin St. J...but Steve at Covered Bridge at least amended his statement to say he actually had gotten Tim's letters & application to come out of NERCF through Covered Bridge.
A glaring example of this type of violation is in the Handbook I got from the Probation office waiting area that states on page 2, Section 3, that "an inmate's Incoming Mail will be opened in the presence of the Inmate to to be inspected for contraband." Given the high rates of drug addiction & addicts within State systems this is a fair & reasonable Rule. That does NOT violate his human rights. But ALL of our mails have been opened WITHOUT Tim's presence for these months. An that is NOT OK with me or Tim!
I am seeking Federal redress & PROTECTIONS for this long & sordid journey.
I have used wisely my resources through Shelters I gained access to in Florida, NH, Vermont, & California during this long haul & that is why I am still alive & sane.
NOW I need Federal Authorities to do an in depth investigation of our cases & to come down on State Authorities which have flagrantly & WITH INTENT, CRIMINAL intent.
I am not leaving St. J nor the Protections of a Safe House provided by the Umbrella Advocates in Saint Johnsbury until these matters ARE resolved satifactorily with ACCOUNTABILITY AT LAW FOR ALL INFRACTIONS OF FEDERAL LAWS concerning me & my fiance, business, family & friends & neighbors.
In VERMONT; my Social Security Claim has only partially been paid out. Through an exhaustive 4 years of research in Vermont & NH, NO lawyer has yet to give me a reasonable explanation, including Anthony Lamb, Esq. who originally WON the claim in Federal Court in Burlington, Vermont as to WHY I am not received BOTH my Disability payment AND my Retirement Benefits. That lack of the Retirement benefit WON, along with LACK of my LEGAL records I have Repeatedly asked Anthony Lamb, Esq. to send me in New Hampshire so I can forward them to Lynn Zygmont in Concord, NH for review have went unheeded. He STILL has my full record of that Claim & I want it NOW!!!!!!
I want my Dual Benefit I KNOW was won, but which I have no record of since last April of 2009. They were taken into storage against my will by Dartmouth Moving & Storage again in Montpelier. This represents around 20,000.00 in back monthly payments we can use to build our Retreat Center in Milton, NH.; the original purpose, mission & vision for this land & PROJECT.
I want my Victim Compensation from the Italian Commissioner that is holding it in Concord, NH. To the tune, for medical, travel, & lost wages of 10,000.00.
If you do your jobs about this matter all SECURITY & SAFETY ISSUES, my financial woes will be resolved.
Peace be with you, sincerely, Monica King, Retired, retried, HONORABLE Justice of the Peace, State of New Hampshire.
CEO INEDA or the International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency
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Just copy this link into your web browser; Consider a FREE email address with us today!
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Apr 12
Monica King to me
show details Apr 26
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Monica King
Date: Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:10 PM
Subject: Fwd: For the U.S. District Attorneys, Vermont & New Hampshire...hard copies printed & sent via usps
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Monica King
Date: Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 12:19 PM
Subject: For the U.S. District Attorneys, Vermont & New Hampshire...hard copies printed & sent via usps
To: Monica King
Cc: Timothy Duranleau
- Show quoted text -
Dear Honorable U.S. Attorney Esquires in Vermont & New Hampshire:
Tristam J. Coffin & John P. Kacavas:
What a long, strange trip it has been!
I am writing to you both & sending identical sets of legal docs to show you that I have been haunted, hunted, & electronically stalked for many years now by not just the Italian mob gang operating primarily out of the Boston area with strands into Manchester & surrounding areas of New Hampshire, but also landed in a Section 8 complex in Barre, Vermont as a result of a near fatal assassination attempt that happened in New Hampshire & from which I am still recovering from in Vermont. Where I encountered the Irish mob or mafia gang.
While in Barre for 5 years, it became personal & professional knowledge over a period of years that the management company running my units, 79 & 83 at Highgate Apartments in Barre, Vermont was being run by the mob gang of Irish mafiosos. "Whitey" Maloney being one of the crime family names listed on the FBI site. Maloney Property Management still runs Highgate in Barre today with no checks & balances nor any effective lawful intervention to arrest them.
It is now the 7th year of sorting through the aftermath of the shot gun blast to my chest.. I have weaved back & forth between New Hampshire & Vermont to attempt to get LAWFUL redress for the many crimes committed against me & by virtue of association my closest family members & friends & neighbors within these settings.
Much has been accomplished, yet there is still a ways to go before all legal sequelae to this heinous attempt upon my life, & two years later, the Murder for Hire scheme that was foiled
(to date) of me & MY Dad are RESOLVED lawfully & fairly.
So this is an outline & a Progress Note for me & these matters remaining, & for you both.
I am sending ONE MORE TIME a series of documents that are EVIDENCES of this interstate stalking issue that continues to be a problem for me in maintaining my SAFETY & SECURITY. This remains my TOP concern. Reading & reviewing this Utilization Review I am sending of all services relative to these crimes will hopefully clarify any confusions & pull us TOGETHER to solve remaining issues.
It is my understanding that this interstate case is a fully Federal Claim at this point in time, although it has not been actually arrested nor adjudicated properly to date. (See included Federal VAWAA protections) I have experienced frank ineptitude to full out purposeful deceptions being perpetrated within BOTH States legal heirarchies & it is, according to Law your legal jurisdiction, both of you, to investigate. I will tell both of you straight up I am NOT happy with the U.S. District Attorney's offices performance to date in VERMONT. You failed to protect me in any effective way last April when you ALLOWED Highgate management, eg Maloney Property Management to throw me out on my ear while just returning from a major Felony trial in NH.
And you COULD have prevented this. But you did nothing. I do recall actually calling you in a panic to ask for your help while attempting to KEEP my home & offices safe from strangers intruding, along with keeping my MD ordered guard dogs safe as well. (I understand it was not you personally dear Tristam, but your offices & the workers there at the time who did this...)
So your Office's acts of OMISSION at that critical juncture are dually noted. A copy of this whole writ with Attachments will also be held at the Umbrella Advocates in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, & a copy sent to your main headquarters in Washington, D.C.
An Outline & Historical Record, with Attachments of Monica King's Journey after being shot in the chest with a 12 guage Rifle in 2003 in Milton, NH
Number of Shelters visited (8): 2 leaving Dartmouth College in the 1900s prior to meeting Daniel Fichera II in the Portsmouth, NH region. This was after filing Writs of Certiorari in the NH Supreme & U.S. Supreme Court about matters related to Dartmouth men & corruption which influences the entire State & U.S. economies as many of them manipulate the world markets through Wall Street & banking positions...
Later traveling with Daniel Fichera II in Florida 1 shelter in the Orlando region once he attacked me, scratching face & body while we were together as a common law couple prior to the year 2000. 2 reports of physical assault made to the Dover PD while in residence with Daniel Fichera in Dover on Milk Street. Prior to us moving to Milton, NH.
Final departure from Daniel was made from Milton, NH in May of 2003, when I moved for safety to Upper Valley area of Lebanon, NH & E Thetford, VT.
Evidence of electronic stalking:
All IDs "lost" while working at Varney Crossing, North Berwick, Maine & living in Dover, NH with Daniel Fichera II. I worked as an Evening RN Supervisor there & reported the missing IDs etc. to my own company as I was thinking at the time I might have lost them at work. Later Daniel mysteriously "found them" again & returned them to me. But they were "lost" for many weeks before he rediscovered them.
Monica moved from E. Thetford, VT --->sister in Fayston, VT--->Moretown Inn, Moretown, VT---> Barre Battered Women's services shelter for summer of 2004--->
21 Highgate Drive, Barre (section 8 apts run by Maloney Prop Management)
During my tenure at Highgate I was elected to the Board of the Residents Association. Through this position I fielded numerous complaints of management failure to protect & duty to repair public health issues. (They knew I was a nurse). I kept copious notes & communicated with the staff from my apartments through emails with back-up copies. All of these have been entered into an Eviction proceeding they began initiated through Washington Superior Court & these issues were resolved & a re Lease agreement drafted & signed in conference in Washinton Superior court. With a provision a new Eviction action would not need to be started if failure of the Lease Agreement occurred.
AT NO TIME during my tenure there was the ADA revoked & at no time during my tenure was there any demonstrated competence nor understanding of Federal Statutes to PROTECT women from further abuses & attempts at murder understood or complied with by Maloney Property Management nor any State official including the Superior Court Justice presiding last spring, sepcifically in April of 2009 in Washington Superior Court.
The Management consisted of Doug Hemmings, a former licensed social worker, Diane Badger a Maloney Prop management favorite of Maloney Properties (certainly not the residents who were being unfairly treated & discriminated against). Numerous emails flew back & forth but when they were notified pursuant to Reasonable Accomodation & ADA protective laws about a mandated Court appearance I & my fiance, Timothy Scott Duranleau, a former navy SEAL traveled to in the midwinter season of early February last year, 2009, & that I was paying partial rent to make sure I had money for unexpected travel expenses & break downs, there was no answer nor acknowledgment. By Managment at Highgate.
The rent was paid for the months of January, partial rent for February due to the trial or "re"trial as it was billed in Superior Court in Dover, NH, & full rent paid again in March of 2009.
But in April of 2009, rent was not even accepted & a set of "color of law" proceedings pushed me & my household & office equipment out on the street by mid April of 2009. A panicked phone call was made to the U.S. Distric Attorney's offices in Vermont but no help occurred to stay these proceedings & on Friday morning by 9:30 am a Superior court justice in Washington County, Montpelier, VT gave Maloney Prop Management the Writ of Possession they sought. I appealed within the same morning, my Dad willing to pay into Court that morning the monies, less than 300 dollars, owed in the rent for February, & again this Motion to Reconsider was denied, all before 10 am on a Friday morning on a sunny day in mid April of 2009, with no discernible "emergency" concerning my primary residence & home office which is a Reasonable Adaptation for my circumstances.
There were no homeless folks from Haiti needing my home & office more than I did.
Rendered homeless suddenly BY COURT AUTHORITIES themselves within WASHINGTON COUNTY, VERMONT, My fiance, my guard dogs & I were summarily locked out & only allowed to take a carry on bag worth's of clothing & our pets from the apartment before it was taken hostage by Maloney Property Management.
The urgency of this proceeding for Writ of Possession was artificially inflated by Maloney Prop Management. There was no emergency that compelled them to Evict. It was illegal & retaliatory in nature as I functioned as lawful Whistle Blower on Maloney illegal activities involving myself & family & business.
They purposely engineered this proceeding in a swift manner & I asked Sheriff Bruce McClure, of Washington County offices in Montpelier if he had ever seen a Eviction proceeding procede in such a highly irregular manner before. He said no, he never had & he himself was perplexed by the rush & manner in which it was carried out. He had to serve the Notice. He is a RELIABLE public servant of proper law enforcement.
SO, mid April of 2009 events combined to move us, Timothy Scott Duranleau & myself & pet/guard dogs into a new series of temporary housing/shelter situations from local motel rooms in Vermont & NH to couch surfing on various friend's couches as we regrouped & attempted to resolve this sudden homelessness instigated & engineered by Maloney Prop principals. WITHOUT our documents or legal papers handy as they were LOCKED UP! We landed again on Angels Landing in Milton, NH, the land where I had the original show down & experienced the shot gun blast to the chest in 2003.
We encamped there, working the land together through the rainiest early spring & summer in our memories until mid July when Tim & I parted ways & he eventually headed back to Barre & Montpelier area & became entangled with Montpelier PD who took him into custody & transfered him to NERCF. That was August of 2009.
I need to state for the record that at no time did Tim harm me nor threaten to harm me in any real or substantive way. He got angry & had a "melt down" over the combined stresses of the major trial in Feb he had accompanied me to, the Writ of Possesion proceedings in Barre & our homelessness then, & the very rainy weather we were living in in a tent & old trailer that was not & still is not on a grid. We were living like pioneers from the 1800s with modern problems to solve in the early 21st century & it got to him. He never harmed me, he vented his frustrations. He never attacked, nor hunted nor haunted me, but I was left alone for a few nights on the property where I was shot & during the night before I left, I thought a presence may have been out there. It was NOT Tim, but most likely a bear or other wild creature that I could hear crackling branches in the surrounds by my tent, & so, not knowing where Tim was, & not needing to stay to prove anything to myself I left & went to Laconia & again through a shelter# (7), reestablished myself in Laconia over this winter. I continued to apply for affordable Section 8 Housing, & this spring a unit opened up for me similar to the one I had originally in Barre. This unit however opened in the Town of Northfield, NH nearer to Manchester, where Daniel was paroled into. A hurried parole hearing that occurred last spring also when my electronic funds in Barre credit Union were suddenly & inexplicably "not available" the day of that Hearing when I had Noticed the Parole Board i HAD wanted to BE present! Due to lack of funds (mysteriously and only on this ONE occasion delayed in an electronic way) we were unable to Appear there...hmmm.... And the week before Easter of this year, 2010, I was being cruised by several times from what looked like Italian mid-aged men in a large American car where I was staying in a private regular market apartment in Laconia.
They eyed me, & in my experience, Daniel & his cronies & nefarious networks are most dangerous when a new location is being opened. I felt in my gut they were stalking me again & it was made simpler by my presence in a city in NH near to where his known mob contacts have always operated from. THEY DO NOT KNOW much about Vermont, thank God!
AND the current Orders in effect from the "re"trial REMAIN IN EFFECT & FULL FORCE... these include Daniel is not to travel to Vermont for any reason at all. He has no legitimate business here, he has no relatives. My daughter lives here & teaches middle school in a public school. My sister & her family reside here & she works as a school psychologist.
I have numerous email transmissions to send to support this Declaration & Affidavit of Testimony. I will send them along via email & usps mails again to the NH, Vermont & US Federal offices for Law Enforcement.
Timothy Scoot Duranleau WITNESSED these numerous infractions at law & EXPERIENCED them as well as he is my primary body guard as well. Due to the period of separation I did not know where Tim was until the early Fall of 2009 when my father forwarded a Federal mailing Tim sent me. To my address in Laconia, NH.
I now have in my possession in my secure & undisclosed Safe House I have returned to live in, in Vermont while sorting out how to get Tim out again...over 100 hand written & typed letters from him describing events that led him in to the captivity of his present circumstances at NERCF.
During his time there, while I resided in Laconia, NH, numerous VAWA 2005 FEDERAL STATUTES have been grossly violated BY VERMONT & NH authorities.
But this letter & the associated docs I am sending via usps details those.
Most improtantly I want to bring to your attention TOGETHER the number of men with Italian last names that have NOT complied with VAWA statuttes & in fact have abused their authority in the positions of power they hold. IN NH & VERMONT.
Let us begin with the Montpelier Chief of Police. His last name is Italian & he has been non compliant & rude to me with every encounter I have had with him. He attempted to get me in trouble with his own authority, using a detective to stalk me from Montpelier to Barre over a set of trumped up stupid minor issues that held no weight at law & were dismissed. When I reported that my SEAL from the State of NH was lost in his city as a Justice of the Peace, he did not even write a simple note back to acknowledge the loss. Or that he would look into it for me. In contrast say to Santa Monica, California who HELPED me find lost IDS & purse cointentw when lost in their city in 2007. (I discovered my index page for my INEDA agency had been blanked out while traveling to LA & went thorugh 2 more Shelters with the help of an electronic stalking specialist out there for safety & security until I could travel home again to Vermont.)
Also the Commissioner for Victim Compensation in Concord NH has a last name that sounds Italian, Commissioner Grossi. My second claim for compensation for uninsured time between being employed & being covered by SSDI in 2006, when the Murder for Hire scheme was uncovered & I was notified by interstate police about it; Concord, NH to Barre PD to me, this second claim is still stalled in Concord, with Grossi failing to both recognize & comply with HPPA regs to keep my private medical records private, fails to recognize ADA protections for same, & insists I send him a paper medical trail for the reimbursement of expenses for travel, relocation, & medical bills to the tune of 4,000.00 that were alotted & told me were alotted since last spring of 2009. Since then, my email account, this very one was "locked" for a number of months so that communique was not accessible.
Several Battered Women's services advocates have failed as of yet to get them to send that money. I do have a letter saying they were considering how to pay lost wages also. It is this letter I have a hard copy of, & this same letter went "missing" from my business account here at Google, but fortunately I have a hard copy of it. In other words it certainly does appear further electronic stalking & manipulations of my business correspondences & theft of same has occurred in those intervening months.Roughly between the end of March
2009 & February of 2010. I have printed out my emails from the two dates I have between this gap.
Breaking in to anyone's mail, be it email or usps mails or any sealed, protected mailing is a FEDERAL offense, & further indication of organized mob-related crime related to my specific case. AND Tim's.
But materially this is the end result of all these illegal & cowardly moves & attempts to remove Timothy from his primary function as BODY GUARD in my life, alongside his just as equally important functions as my partner & fiance. WE own our businesses together.
1. The main threat to my health & safety REMAINS one Daniel S. Fichera II who was hurried through a questionable second "re"trial in Dover, NH last winter which resulted in lesser charges against him, (although still FELONIOUS), a rushed process of parole getting him OUT of State custody & onto the streets of Manchester, NH, while during this time frame Tim gets locked up in State custody on trumped up &* bogus charges brought by another Italian chief of Police in Montpelier who has already demonstrated a vicious bias AGAINST me personally & professionally.
2.Tim is being HELD in NERCF in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont where the Commissioner's last name is Italian.
3. I was ready to move into a similar sec 8 apartment in Northfield, NH, nearer to both Concord & Manchester, NH, when events including a death of a relative within my family forced me to rethink this plan for SAFETY.
4. I am now in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, have a library card & renewed Food Stamp card & am working out these remaining lawfully required issues at law in safety & in peace from this city where my fiance is also housed at State expense & has been for over 9 months now.
I went to visit the Corrections Department in St. J to speak of this to one Al Fornier aka Al Cormier, whose boss is Lynn Bushy. In an unscheduled interview I had with him last week, Thursday I believe, he told me he had "never heard of Tim". I related most of these facts to him personally about our journey together & wanted to find out what way I could get Tim paroled out of St. J instead of Barre District since so much evidence of corruption with our cases was already suffered there. I just received a letter from Tim about this interview I had written to him about from St. J after my first visit with him this past Monday exactly one week ago at NERCF. I am including his letter also as an Attachment to prove State corruption & failure to comply with Human Rights in both States & within Federal law jurisidictions. Tim states this Al guy does know him or knows of him. I had a simiilar phone interview with the coordinator at Covered Bridge on Pearl St. oin St. J...but Steve at Covered Bridge at least amended his statement to say he actually had gotten Tim's letters & application to come out of NERCF through Covered Bridge.
A glaring example of this type of violation is in the Handbook I got from the Probation office waiting area that states on page 2, Section 3, that "an inmate's Incoming Mail will be opened in the presence of the Inmate to to be inspected for contraband." Given the high rates of drug addiction & addicts within State systems this is a fair & reasonable Rule. That does NOT violate his human rights. But ALL of our mails have been opened WITHOUT Tim's presence for these months. An that is NOT OK with me or Tim!
I am seeking Federal redress & PROTECTIONS for this long & sordid journey.
I have used wisely my resources through Shelters I gained access to in Florida, NH, Vermont, & California during this long haul & that is why I am still alive & sane.
NOW I need Federal Authorities to do an in depth investigation of our cases & to come down on State Authorities which have flagrantly & WITH INTENT, CRIMINAL intent.
I am not leaving St. J nor the Protections of a Safe House provided by the Umbrella Advocates in Saint Johnsbury until these matters ARE resolved satifactorily with ACCOUNTABILITY AT LAW FOR ALL INFRACTIONS OF FEDERAL LAWS concerning me & my fiance, business, family & friends & neighbors.
In VERMONT; my Social Security Claim has only partially been paid out. Through an exhaustive 4 years of research in Vermont & NH, NO lawyer has yet to give me a reasonable explanation, including Anthony Lamb, Esq. who originally WON the claim in Federal Court in Burlington, Vermont as to WHY I am not received BOTH my Disability payment AND my Retirement Benefits. That lack of the Retirement benefit WON, along with LACK of my LEGAL records I have Repeatedly asked Anthony Lamb, Esq. to send me in New Hampshire so I can forward them to Lynn Zygmont in Concord, NH for review have went unheeded. He STILL has my full record of that Claim & I want it NOW!!!!!!
I want my Dual Benefit I KNOW was won, but which I have no record of since last April of 2009. They were taken into storage against my will by Dartmouth Moving & Storage again in Montpelier. This represents around 20,000.00 in back monthly payments we can use to build our Retreat Center in Milton, NH.; the original purpose, mission & vision for this land & PROJECT.
I want my Victim Compensation from the Italian Commissioner that is holding it in Concord, NH. To the tune, for medical, travel, & lost wages of 10,000.00.
If you do your jobs about this matter all SECURITY & SAFETY ISSUES, my financial woes will be resolved.
Peace be with you, sincerely, Monica King, Retired, retried, HONORABLE Justice of the Peace, State of New Hampshire.
CEO INEDA or the International Nursing Exchange & Development Agency
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