Friday, July 30, 2010

The United States Government Clean-Up Act

Global Notice of the Commencement of Final Judgments for United States Government Officials

World Court
Crimes Against Humanity & Nature

BE IT KNOWN this Day of Our Lord, July 30, 2010 that a World Court will be convened to bring to Judgment ALL Government Servants from the least to the greatest, with NO immunity from Prosecution for Crimes committed;
of United States elected Public Servants.

This includes ALL Justices who have been appointed by those same elected Government servants to We The People who are found to have committed treasonous Acts against the United States Constitution & Her People.

Trial will commence promptly January 4, 2011 Eastern Standard Time & the Venue will be in Canada.

Further details will be posted.

The Court will be comprised of:
13 Justices of the Peace currently Commissioned & active within The United States & Territories.

All Applicants shall forward Resumes, CVs to INEDA for screening.

Finalists shall be chosen by 100% unanimous Vote of Advisory Teams drawn from the United Nations, Amnesty International, & the World Health Organization

The World Court shall convene in Canada & commence promptly at 9 AM Eastern Standard Time
January 4, 2011.

24 Jurors shall be selected, with 12 Alternates.

Of the 24, 12 shall be Registered Voters within the United States.

12 shall be Registered Voters
Iraq, Berlin, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, & 6 other Countries, islands or territories which have lived in Peace for the past 40 years.  To be determined in counsel with Advisors drawn from the United Nations, Amnesty International, & the World Health Organization .

KEY to this World Tribunal is this:
NO Diplomatic immunity will be granted ANY Person of Interest subpoenaed to this Court.

This Court recognizes NO excuse or rationale for murder, murder fo hire, torture, abduction, extradition or other heinous & abominable Crimes which has been covered under a cloak of "color of Law" Proceedings.

The Findings, Verdicts, & Sentencing of this Tribunal;
SHALL BE Binding & Everlasting.

Terms of incarceration shall be served in United States Federal Prisons.
Those Persons of Interest
Found guilty of premeditation of Conspiracy
To commit mass genocide; carpet bombings by push button drones are ONE such example
of HIGH Crimes against Humanity & Nature

WILL BE punished by Death of the body
by means
Decreed by this World Court.

ALL Applicants for Positions on this World Court may apply by emailing;
& cc,,

Applications will be closed October 1, 2010.

Subpoenas & Warrants for Arrest & Extradition Shall Issue Immediately & forthwith with Publication
of this General Public Notice.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Justice Prevails

In Honor of Barack Obama's upcoming birthday, August 4th, 2010, I am sending out a world wide invitation to world class Investigators & Litigators.

Specifically this summer in anticipation of the Fall season in the Northern Hemisphere, our Commander in Chief will need help from his faithful Constituents.  And from those Ambassadors of Light around the Globe who wield the Sword of Excalibur.

In the coming months INEDA will organize 3 distinct Task Forces to assist with the midwifery of TRUE International & National Justice.  We are preparing for Discovery & Evidence Gathering with the goal & Mission of presenting Independent Findings to World Court Tribunals who will inevitably be bringing some of the most vain & villainous creatures Mama Earth has ever suffered on Her back in any given point in time to JUSTICE.

There can be no world wide Peace when Justice does not prevail.  Nor mercy either for all meaning is lost.
Mercy can only be granted when the truth is confessed & guilt admitted.

Three Broad Areas of Concern:
1. Social Security & Disability FRAUD perpetuated BY U.S. Government Officials in charge of this most vital of Insurance Funds within the United States Government.

A. We are interested in gathering Case Histories from every State & Territory in the Union from Public Health officials who have worked in free clinics, within Social Services & other agencies, both public & private, who are familiar with:
B.The Retirement Benefit
C.The Disability Benefit
D. The Dual Qualified Benefit (both Disability & Retirement)

A Preliminary Investigation has led us to believe that this FDR initiated program has been grossly mishandled to the tune of millions of dollars & damaged lives & families as a result of this gross negligence, arbitrary & purposefully malicious administration of this vital People's Treasury.  The Abuse of Powers & Authorities within this program is coming to a swift & final END.

We are surveying the handling of this Program for the past 40 years in a retroactive Utilization Review by a truly Independent Source.

2.Independent Review of the Twin Towers/911 Act of Terrorism in NYC, & Washington, D.C.

It is our information & belief that the original 911 Commissioned Report was seriously flawed in that it did not seek the input of even ONE Engineer in its report & findings.  We are aware Independent Investigators are already amassing vital & new, verifiable findings to put the original Report into serious question.

3. The Gulf Oil Disaster

It is the profound belief of those Affiliated with INEDA that all 3 areas of concern are vital to address within a Court not within the United States .  The major players are resident there.  These include Persons & Principles who have held the highest Governmental offices in our land.

Past Chiefs, current Chiefs, Presidents, Justices, Attorneys who have controlled the Courts, White House & Fortune 500 Businesses have been known to have openly flaunted our Constitutional Protections from same, making secret deals behind closed doors, using the Federal Reserve as a cover for highly treasonous transactions & attempts at controlling the American Population with a known entity, again the Federal Reserve WHICH IS NOT A GOVERNMENT Business!  Any more than Fedex or UPS is a Government Business as opposed to our Postal Service which is Lawfully a nonprofit, Government Federal Business.

Gross violations of our Uniform Commercial Code have been going on for at least the last 40 years, but our Investigation is limited to this time frame.

As INEDA does not Affiliate with any particular Political Party or person or entity, we are truly Independent.

Therefore credible within our global village.

We are seeking the best & the brightest from all parts of the globe.

Those trial Litigators who have midwifed the birth of true Democracy within South Africa, the united Berlin, Germany, the former Soviet Union; those from Australia, Scandinavia, New Zealand, the Islands, all seven Continents are cordially invited to Apply to become an Associate within a 3 Task Force Areas of Inquest.

We are in particular looking for those Litigators with Trial experience, & who are under the age of 35, with, if it has been tested IQs of 200 or over.

Address your Resumes & CVs to Monica King.  You may email her at; & cc
For further information about our Mission go to INEDA Healing Places on the Web

World Music

Labor, natural labor & delivery processes in all mammals on the planet goes better with music.  Ditto all sorts of labor!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010 Articles are Migrating...

Hello ALL!

I hope you are enjoying some lazy summer moments & can kick back & relax a bit wherever you may find yourself this summer of 2010.

I am bringing some articles online over here for a wider readership to consider & savor.  Blessings, Monica King

Articles originally published with the syndicated online news source,,, & to name several of the threads.

Practical Intervention From A Nursing Supervisor

The Serpent in the Mountains

The Soul of Our Mother

Saturday, July 24, 2010


We are so glad you made it!

Here is a page with some links to help you navigate these changing times.

Blessing you & all you are & do, Monica King

INEDA Global page